Wednesday, January 22, 2014

GROUP1E3 Dita, Elsya, Zhou, Vincent

1. Zhou Jiong Lin, Vincent

2. Today we've learnt about Curriculum Vitae(CV) and cover letter.  

 3. There are important things that we have to know to write a CV and cover letter.

4. Cover letter should be no longer than 1 page.  

5. In cover letter, don't use "anytime". It's better to use "at working hours" or "on weekdays"  
6. Every sentence in cover letter should have a clear function.  
7. If possible, you should know the name of recruitment officer.  

8. Use "sincerely" if you know to whom it may concern, but ended with "faithfully" if you know the name  

9. The sudden change from "best regards" to "regards" might shows disagreement  

10. In professional writing, use double space after period sign (.) to separate the idea in every sentence.  

11. Curriculum Vitae or CV means "my life in brief".

12. Curriculum Vitae should be no longer than 2 pages.  

13. In writing a CV, give the relevant information related with the job that you apply.  

14. Be consistent with gerund or infinitive in every sentence  

15. You may put your strength and qualification to 'sell' yourself in cover letter or CV.  

16. Never put more than 2 or 3 of your educational level in CV.  

17. Don't focus on what will you get from the company but focus on what you can give  

18. A signature can reflect someone's personality.  

19. Use formal tone to maintain the distance between speaker and listener.  

20. Use less formal tone to bridging the gap to be closer with the listener.  

21. We can use formal tones on a certain situation (talking with our bestfriend, our youbger siblings, etc(  

Assignment 3 has been chirpified!

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