Tuesday, January 28, 2014


Elsya Veronica

Villa Taman Cibodas O.1 / 18A
Tangerang, Banten
15131 Indonesia

I.                   PERSONAL DETAILS
Place & Date of Birth : Kuningan,  August  28th 1995
Marrital Status            : Single
Sex                                  : Female
Nationality                   : Indonesian
Phone                            : +6221 55795668
Mobile                           :  +6282 11119 3788
Email                              : elsyaveronica@yahoo.co.id

II.                 Education Details
1. 2005 – 2008 Junior High School / SMPN 1 Tangerang
2. 2008 – 2011 Senior High School / SMPN 1 Tangerang
3. 2011 – 2013 President University
    GPA = 3.85 (scale 4)
    PREDICATE = Very Satisfactory

III.              SKILLS
  • Language           -Fluent in English and Mandarin

                                  -Basic skills in Japanese
 Technical Skills        -Microsoft Word – Letters, memos, report, faxes, and                                           schedule
                                -Microsoft Publisher  – Flyers, business cards, and letters
                                -Microsoft PowerPoint  – Presentations, animations, reports
                                -Microsoft Acces  – Creating client data base, mail mergers
                                -Microsoft Outlook  – Emails, agendas, and schedules
   -MYOB Accounting  – Preparing trial balance, journal    adjustment, income, and balance sheet statements


IV.              References
Mr. Andreas Yumarma
Lecturer of Business Philosophy and Ethics subject in President University

V.                Organization Experiences
  • -         Event Development Division in Charity Club President University

Details of duties :
Developing ideas and organizing every event of Charity club.
  • -         Secretary Division in President University Major Association (PUMA) of Business Administration

Details of duties :
Making proposal and report of every event.

VI.              Interests
Travelling            All over Indonesia and overseas.
Sports                 Swimming, basketball, and badminton.

              Ambition             Go to Mecca with my family.

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