Monday, January 27, 2014

Cover letter by Hilda Octaviani #BA20132 #BusComm @ASwastyayana

Hilda Octaviani
Jl. Darmajaya Pejaten 99 H Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan
Phone : 081296623523

January 25, 2014
Ms. Edita Rianti Anastasia
Head of Legal Department and HRD
PT. Asuransi Jiwa Sinarmas MSIG
Jl. H. Fachrudin No.18, Jakarta Pusat, 10250

Dear Ms. Edita,

I am a fresh graduate of President University, majoring in Business Administration. I found which indicated that there might be a vacancy available in your company. If so, I would like to be considered for joining in Marketing of Corporate Business.
Taking initiative has always been my academic and career focus. I am also willing to work which there is no relevant with my subject because I love trying a new experience. I certainly understand responsibility, hold an intense work ethic, and strive to do my best in any situation.
Together with the cover letter, I attach herewith my resume for your full consideration. I appreciate your time reviewing my application, and it will be a pleasure for me to attend an interview with you at your convenient time. Feel free to contact me on working hours. Thank you for your kind consideration, I look forward to discussing my application with you in more detail.

Hilda Octaviani

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