Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Group 7 members : Bai Xingran, Elsa Precillia, Harnessia Caroline, Wang Shuaiyan, Xaverier Adriatama
1. Bai, Elsa, Harnessia, Wang, Xaverier #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
2. we learn 6 sectors that affect the business world #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
3. Politics & Economics situation, we need to know how is a country's politics and economics situation #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
4. Infrastructure, consists of transportation and telecommunication. #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
5. General background such as religion, culture, family life, regions. #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
6. Polite phrases, we need to be able to communicate politely,politeness is important in business world #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
7. Geography such as the weather and climate. #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
8. The last sector is business custom and convention, the way people socialize #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
9. In Italia, if we want to conduct business, we have to dress to impress #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana 
10. We also must remember that Italian are energy conservationists. And we may not leave the door open #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
11. In Italia purple is an unlucky colour so don't give them purple wrapped gift. And no cheap wine. #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
12. Respect personal space. Some people have wider personal space than others #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
13. In China, usually people ask their business partner to have lunch or dinner together. #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
14. Dont give white wrapped gift and clock as the gift to Chinese, because there, it means "go die" #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
15. There are two types of handshake : shark-bite handshake and dead-fish handshake #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
16. Eye-contact is very important. Do not wander-off when you talk to someone. #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
17. We have learnt about being punctual for general business customs and conventions. #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
18. Different country different manners. #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana
19. In China and Japan, we may not plug chopstick over rice because it's for dead people. #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana 
20. American race is Caucasian. #BA132#2014E3#Group7E3 @ASwastyayana

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